Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Social network

Just seen The Social network. It was great movie. Its based on story of Mark Zuckerburg. Its a good movie about a start up and how expansion works. The way facebook was started was awesome.

The narrative of the story is broken into three storylines. Zuckerburg is being simultaneously sued by the Ken-doll-like Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler (both played by Arnie Hammer) and co-founder (and Zuckerburg's best friend), Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield). 

Zuckerburg was a young dynamic personality.He was focused guy.In whatever he does, he used to remember his girl friend Erica. It shows the love for her.

My take of the movie, is the smartness of the young, Mark. The dynamics of young business and how to expand in this world.

The issues that came across with his colleague and how he dealt with his friends and lawyers.The way he built the facebook brand. The ideas that came across him and he built upon it.

Love it!
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